UM_Designblok2021_ 19






Klient / Client: UMPRUM

Client: UMPRUM

Client: UMPRUM

Client: UMPRUM

Client: UMPRUM


Vizuální styl a grafika pro výstavu UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE, která přibližovala návštěvníkovi informace o novém Technologickém centru školy v Mikulandské ulici. Ve spolupráci s Jarkou Strakovou jsme vymysleli koncept vizuálu a nakonec i samotné výstavy (včetně jejího názvu): „UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE”. Ten odkazuje nejen na novou budovou, ale obzvlášť na část města mezi oběma domy, která bude nyní v denním kontaktu se studenty UMPRUM. I proto jsme zpracovali mapu přes celou stěnu, abychom upozornili na toto urbanistické řešení. Samozřejmě instituce nežije pouze ze svých domů nebo stěn. Jsou to právě lidé, kteří školu posouvají a svou přítomností ji tvoří – z toho důvodu jsme navrhli výstavě jednoduchý merch, abychom na tuto skutečnost upozornili.

Koncept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková 
Grafický design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Spolupráce: Jakub Plachý, Jana Moravcová, Ivan Kroupa, Šárka Váňová a další


The visual style and graphic for the exhibition UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE, which depicted a new technological centre for the Academy of Architecture, Arts & Design in Prague (UMPRUM). In cooperation with Jaroslava Straková, we created the brand concept, which later became the main idea for the whole exhibition, including the name: UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE. The slang referred to the new building but especially to a part of the city situated between primary and technological centre. This area, which we showed with a hand–drew wall map, will be in daily contact with students, and it played an essential role for architects during their urbanistic work. Of course, the institution can not live without people. Therefore, we created simple merchandise that referred to the community's importance.

Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková 
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Colaboration: Jakub Plachý, Jana Moravcová, Ivan Kroupa, Šárka Váňová a další


The visual style and graphic for the exhibition UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE, which depicted a new technological centre for the Academy of Architecture, Arts & Design in Prague (UMPRUM). In cooperation with Jaroslava Straková, we created the brand concept, which later became the main idea for the whole exhibition, including the name: UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE. The slang referred to the new building but especially a part of the city between the primary and technological centre. This area, which we showed with a hand–drew wall map, will be in daily contact with students, and it played an essential role for architects during their urbanistic work. Of course, the institution can not live without people. Therefore, we created simple merchandise that referred to the community's importance.

Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková 
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Colaboration: Jakub Plachý, Jana Moravcová, Ivan Kroupa, Šárka Váňová a další


The visual style and graphic for the exhibition UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE, which depicted a new technological centre for the Academy of Architecture, Arts & Design in Prague (UMPRUM). In cooperation with Jaroslava Straková, we created the brand concept, which later became the main idea for the whole exhibition, including the name: UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE. The slang referred to the new building but especially a part of the city between the primary and technological centre. This area, which we showed with a hand–drew wall map, will be in daily contact with students, and it played an essential role for architects during their urbanistic work. Of course, the institution can not live without people. Therefore, we created simple merchandise that referred to the community's importance.

Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková 
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Colaboration: Jakub Plachý, Jana Moravcová, Ivan Kroupa, Šárka Váňová and others


The visual style and graphic for the exhibition UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE, which depicted a new technological centre for the Academy of Architecture, Arts & Design in Prague (UMPRUM). In cooperation with Jaroslava Straková, we created the brand concept, which later became the main idea for the whole exhibition, including the name: UMPRUM IS ALSO HERE. The slang referred to the new building but especially a part of the city between the primary and technological centre. This area, which we showed with a hand–drew wall map, will be in daily contact with students, and it played an essential role for architects during their urbanistic work. Of course, the institution can not live without people. Therefore, we created simple merchandise that referred to the community's importance.

Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková 
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Colaboration: Jakub Plachý, Jana Moravcová, Ivan Kroupa, Šárka Váňová and others

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