Kurtovi / The Kurts
The Kurts
Rok / Year: 2020
The Kurts
Další spolupráce s Jarkou Strakovou – kdy jsme vytvořili vizuální styl a komunikaci pro výstavu Kurtovi, Ateliér veškerého sochařství k osmdesátkám Kurta Gebauera, kterou organizovala Galerie UM. Výstava se zaměřovala na Kurtovi studenty a na jejich životy po absolutoriu. Z ateliérového fotografického archivu jsme proto vybrali tzv. "rodinné fotografie", na kterých Kurt pózuje se svými studenty. Ty jsme pak využili na všech grafických výstupech společně s názvem výstavy "Kurtovi".
Typografie: Rukopis Kurta Gebauera & Písmo Archiv
Koncept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Grafický design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Úprava fotografií: Edita Kubištová
We prepared visual style and communication for the exhibition The Kurts – Studio of Universal Sculpture Dedicated to The Eighties of Kurt Gebauer organized by UM Gallery. The exhibition focused on Kurt's students and their lives after graduation. Therefore we collected these “posing family pictures” from a huge studio photo archive, which was made during the 25 years of Kurt Gebauer teaching at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. This way we wanted to emphasize the togetherness of the studio.
Typography: Script of Kurt Gebauer & Archiv
Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Photo editing: Edita Kubištová
We prepared visual style and communication for the exhibition The Kurts – Studio of Universal Sculpture Dedicated to The Eighties of Kurt Gebauer organized by UM Gallery. The exhibition focused on Kurt's students and their lives after graduation. Therefore we collected these “posing family pictures” from a huge studio photo archive, which was made during the 25 years of Kurt Gebauer teaching at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. This way we wanted to emphasize the togetherness of the studio.
Typography: Script of Kurt Gebauer & Archiv
Concept: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Graphic design: Jan Stuchlík & Jaroslava Straková
Photo editing: Edita Kubištová
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